Hexagon Toy

Creating in Fusion360

Starting with our blueprint as mentioned before, We can analyze the measurements and bring them into our software.

We can now start by using the measurement to create parameters to help us create our shape in the future.

Under Modify we can create parameters

Then we can start by creating a Circumscribed Polygon in the center of our page. (doesn't matter if it's not aligned)

Now by creating a constraint we can straighten out our polygon so that align's perfectly with the lines.

By selecting our dimension feature we can set a value to our Hexagon by selecting both sides of the polygon and insert our Parameter we set before of our InnerHex.

Now we can select our offset tool(O) and by selecting our hexagon and setting its parameter to our BaseBodyOffset we create our foundation for our toy.

And it should look something like this, but before we do anything else, it would be much harder if we tried to work on the whole hexagon at once, so while seperate the hexagon into 1/6, so we work with a smaller portion.

Will do this by creating to lines that connect the inside Hex to the outside hex by simply using the Line tool and dragging the line to look something like this.

Now we will create another line but this time it will be a construction line by clicking that setting on the left of the screen,. We can now create a line in the middle of our hex by first moving our dimension and creating that line on the x-axis between our inner and outer hex.

With our section divided into 1/6 we can now hide the rest of our hexagon by selecting the other half of our hexagon and turning it into a construction line.

And now we can finish our sketch.

Now that we have our section we want to work with, we will extrude(E) it by -1mm.

Finally, it should look something like this.

Now we can create a second sketch on our x-axis(Red) for the height of our toy

By looking at our sketch from the front view, we can selecting the top right point of our hexagon to start our second sketch.

Now that we have that point selected, we can actually hide our main body so we can see what we will be working with on our second sketch

We can now select our Line tool and create a constuction line.

We can create a line upwards and by giving it our heigh parameter we set before hand we can set up our height for our hexagon toy.

Using the Line tool we can create two lines, creating a sort of triangle formation with the center dot directly in the middle of the height.

It doesn't need to be exactly centered as we will fix this next.

Next we will create a second set of lines in the same formation as the ones we just did but a little to the left connecting it back to the beginging dot, Making it look like an arrow.

Again it doesn't need to be exactly equal measurments.

Using the constraints tool we will constraint the bottom line, so that when we establish the rest of the lines we don't lose our original shape.

Using the parallel tool we can make sure that our facing lines are indeed the exact measurements to each other.

And doing the same to the outside lines as well.

But we need to make sure that their lengths are also equal to each other, using the equal tool we can make it so that each line now be changed without doing it one by one.

Using the Parameters tool we can now set the length of the line by asigning it to our BodyThickness, making sure everything changes according to our new measurements.

And now finally making sure that every line is equal we can select the two rightmost lines to make everything finally equal to eachother.

Finally we can set our Angle parameter to the tip of our shape and finish off our sketch.

Now that we have our shapes done we can reappear our first sketch, so that it looks like this.

We can start off by extruding(E) our sketch and making sure that we join it to our first sketch.

By clicking our direction panel we can make sure that it extrudes on both sides of the sketch

And make sure that it extent type is set to "To Object"

We can select the side of our facing sketch and it looking connected to our sketch perfectly.

And doing the same on the other side so that its becomes connected and we can finish our extrude.

Now we can start on the other layers by creating a Rectangular pattern by opening our Design shortcuts(S).

We want to make sure its set to features under our object type.

And by looking at the bottom left panel we can select our most recent extrude.

And by changing our quantity to our "QtyBodies" parameter and our distance to our "BodyThickness" parameter plus our "Gap" parameter.

It should look something like this.

But first we want to change our Distribution to spacing,

And this is what it should look like at the end our design, with everything looking good we can finish our Rectangular pattern.

For it to look something along the lines of this.

Next we can to create a Circular pattern by using the same Tool(S),

We can select our entire bodies,

And by selecting our axis to our Z-axis,

We can extent our one slice of the toy, back to its original shape and finishing our circular pattern.

Now it should look something like this, and its almost done, but we still have a few things to work out before it's ready.

First start off by selecting the entire project with our holding the right mouse button.

We can select it to combine, so that it becomes one solid object.

But we don't want a base in our final product we we must first turn our object and select the bottom.

And by extruding(E), we can get rid of that platform by removing 1 mm (-1mm).

And finally finishing our Hexagon toy we can save it and export it as an obj file to send it to the 3dprinter for the final product.


If you want to check out my Final product check it out on the next page

3D Print
